Wednesday, October 8, 2008


So I have something new in my sidebar.  I was drawing and as I was drawing, I remembered that I opened up a DeviantArt account forever ago.  So I uploaded some of the new stuff there and now there's a link to it.  I'll change the image over there occasionally but maybe not as often as I upload new stuff.  And as I said over on DA, I plan on putting something new up there at least once a week.  So check that out every now and then.  There will be new stuff up over there before I get to uploading any more comics.

So I was planning on blogging yesterday, but I got distracted.  I ran into that last week while reading about the adventures of Greg.  And then I was gonna blog tonight but then I got distracted by all the deviants.  But when I finished uploading, I figured I should share with you guys since you're helping me keep up on it.  So here you go.  Comments are always appreciated on art. :D

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