Thursday, December 18, 2008


I am now 24 years old. That happened on Tuesday. Next year I will be a quarter century old. YAY?

I look at that number and it's weird to me for some reason. I can't quite place it. I have to figure out life again. Well, I know what to do with life. I'm pretty sure at least. I've just lost direction and I'm sort of on the course of getting it back. I'm just at a weird place in life right now I think. I have a bunch of stuff that I have to do and I don't want to do it. But if I don't do it, then I may as well curl up and die. But even that isn't really an option because if I do that then all my loved ones will be screwed and stuck with everything that I'd leave behind. BAH!

I'm gonna go do something semi constructive. If I stay here I think that I'll end up all mopey and I don't want that.

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