Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Okay.  I've been working on figuring out stuff in GIMP for the past eight or so hours.  I've made a lot of progress but there's still a long way to go.  My right arm hurts from all the precision clicking. :D  And I'm keeping up on most of my drawing.  so YAY for that too.  And there's a new piece over at my DA too.  So head over there if you're interested.

I'm thinking that my best bet for the whole "helping out" thing is at the BGCA.  And if that's not a good place, I'm sure they'd know where I'd be best.  So I'll start there and see what happens.

So, to list them....

It's not a long list.  But they're all pretty involved.  Hopefully it won't make me too busy.  But I need to be busier than I already am.  It's a fine line that I have to find.  So let's hope and pray that I can. :D

I made an apple pie the other day.  I'm hoping to make some more this week.  Because the potluck is this sunday.  And I'll feel better about taking the food if I have something to offer.

Okay, I gotta sleep.  I'll talk at y'all later.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

"I can help these people!"

I think that's why I like Stargate so much.  That line.  And it's something that I say to myself quite often.  I don't know how, but I know I can help people.

I always seem to be slammed when this topic comes up.  I'd say it averages about once every three or four weeks.  I hear something that makes me start thinking about things that are wrong in the world, then I stumble on two or three different things that fit in that category.  And to illustrate what I mean, I'll give you tonight's story.

I turn on my iTunes and launch one of my podcast subscriptions.  It's a sermon given by Pastor Matt Brown from my home church, Sandals.  In this sermon, Matt is discussing what we as christians should be doing with the issue of abortion in the US.  As I'm listening, I start thinking about what I could offer in different positions/situations.  Helping the mother, taking care of the baby, encouraging life, and all that.  So yeah.  Then a few minutes after that, as I'm going through my blog roll, I notice some links in Lori Jo's latest entry.  So I go to the links.  BAM and BAM.  Two HUGE issues that I've always felt very strongly about.  I almost started crying.  How CAN I help?  I can't make any donations cuz my budget is tighter than spandex on a fat guy.  I signed up for the news letter at Project Nightlight, but it looks like most of what they do is in LA.  So if that's the case, then volunteering is out.  So I dunno.  I should definitely be looking for local things though.

So there it is.  Just thought I'd share.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I do need to draw that.  I keep forgetting.  I'd do it now but it's late and I need to sleep.  Keep reminding me Tom.

I have a new piece up at my devART.  Link on the side over there <---.  Man, I can't decide if I should file a formal complaint or not.  As christians we're supposed to forgive and all that, but at the same time, his behavior get worse and worse.  I had ultra violent thoughts about him at work on Saturday because of how he was acting.  So yeah.

I'm gonna start scanning in my pencils soon and getting them all ready for the site.  I'm not uploading them yet though.  I have to test some things out first.

Here's some fun for y'all.

Thursday, October 16, 2008


So I did a picture of Benny.  I like Benny.  He's just crazy enough to like but not so crazy that you should be scared.  So yeah.  I finished up another comic tonight.  I think I'll start uploading as soon as I get this little arc done.  We'll see.  I haven't decided if I'm going to ink or not though.  I don't really want to ink, but I don't know how to scan in my pencils dark enough to not look weird with the dark word bubbles on them.  If anyone want's to give me some pointers on GIMP or can point me to some REALLY GOOD online tutorials, I'd be inclined to try and repay you with something.  I dunno what though.  I could draw you something I suppose.  I dunno.  Or maybe you just want to be nice :D

Anyhoo, they cut my hours at work because we're slow.  But after they cut my hours, they add onto my list of closing things to do.  That doesn't make much sense to me.  Oh well.  I got it done tonight so I shouldn't have too much trouble doing it again.  And I shouldn't have too much difficulty cleaning the ceiling tomorrow.  We'll see about that too.

I've been feeling bitter about things at work lately.  I know I shouldn't be getting as upset as I have been lately.  It's starting to bother me.  So maybe some prayer for that would help.  and that's another thing.  I haven't been reading and praying nearly as much as I should be.  So yeah..........

I know how to interact with grandpa now though.  That's an upside in life right now.  If I assist him in little tinkering things, he opens up a bit more and we actually get close to conversation.  So if that could happen a bit more, that would be neat-o.

And that's life right now.  I'm gonna go read some.  Laters!

Monday, October 13, 2008


okay, I don't feel well but I had to put this up.  I'm rather proud of it.  It's long and don't let the kiddies watch it.  A few words slipped.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

They're members of the human race

I ran into this and I just had to share it. It's made sort of as a joke, but I like what it has to say. It's a good reminder that we're all people. We're more that what we do for a living. So just keep that in mind next time you're order is wrong or it takes a while to get something done. We're all people and we all should be treated as such. :D

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


So I have something new in my sidebar.  I was drawing and as I was drawing, I remembered that I opened up a DeviantArt account forever ago.  So I uploaded some of the new stuff there and now there's a link to it.  I'll change the image over there occasionally but maybe not as often as I upload new stuff.  And as I said over on DA, I plan on putting something new up there at least once a week.  So check that out every now and then.  There will be new stuff up over there before I get to uploading any more comics.

So I was planning on blogging yesterday, but I got distracted.  I ran into that last week while reading about the adventures of Greg.  And then I was gonna blog tonight but then I got distracted by all the deviants.  But when I finished uploading, I figured I should share with you guys since you're helping me keep up on it.  So here you go.  Comments are always appreciated on art. :D

Thursday, October 2, 2008

It's bed time

I need to get in bed but I also need to put something here before I do.

I penciled my third page since I started again.  The other two I split over a couple days to keep myself from burning out, but this one just sort of fell together.  I like it when that happens.

Work was weird today.  It seemed like everyone else was stressing and busy busy busy and I was just on cruise control.  I dunno.  It was weird to me.  I scraped my knuckle on the griddle.  It hurt.  A lot.  And now I have a blister.  But other than that my day was pretty alright.

I have to say thanks to Anita for kicking me in the butt to draw today.  I'm glad she did.

And now I'm off to bed.  Gotta be at work in 10 hours and I like to sleep for about 8.  Toodles!