Thursday, December 23, 2010

Movie Review 001 - TRON: Legacy

I'm not sure where to start with this movie. Perhaps I should start with the anticipation. I've been looking forward to this sequel since I heard the first rumors about it back in early 2009. First title I saw for it was "TR2N". I liked the idea behind that title. But changing it to Tron:Legacy was a good decision for two reasons. First, you can actually say it. Second, it really makes sense for the story.

I was so excited for it the week it came out that I don't really have words for it. Even better, it came out the day after my birthday. What a birthday present, right? But then I bought my ticket. Almost instantly, I started having doubts. I didn't want my childhood ruined once again. COUGHepisode1COUGH What if it was terrible? What if the story didn't make any sense? What if the proper connections weren't made? Or, even worse, what if continuity was broken?

Thank God for previews. They alleviated some of this stress with some much needed laughter. Then the movie started.

I was impressed right away with how Disney redid their opening logo to look like it was scanning you and to be that neon outline. That was my hook. And I was in for the rest of the movie. Even though I had to pee through the whole thing, it was too good to leave. ALL my doubts were washed away. Continuity? Check. Proper character development? Check. Awesome special effects? Check. Witty references to new and old technology? Check.

And not only were all the proper elements there, but they were done WELL. Executed with great precision and accuracy to keep all the lore already in place intact. It covers all the happenings between the destruction of the Master Control Program and the creation of the new Grid. And it makes sense, the way they explain it.

There was really only one element in the movie that I wasn't too big a fan of. And I'll probably get a lot of slings and arrows sent my way for this, but I'm okay with that. That element was Quorra. She was a good character, but she seemed out of place. All of her interactions with Sam seemed really forced. And I wasn't a big fan of that.

BUT that one little thing doesn't make the movie bad. And you should go see it. See it in a theater. Don't wait for dvd or blu-ray.

Final Score:

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