Wednesday, February 25, 2009

First Dates

It's on my mind and I gotta get it out. I'll be going out with someone next week and I'm having trouble with deciding what to do. I've already decided that dinner and a movie is out because I really don't want our time together to be spent watching a screen. Dinner is a really good idea, but where? A) I'm really low on money and B) I need it to not be Denny's.

Then what? Are we just gonna sit at a restaurant all night? Probably not. What should we do? I've had the suggestion of MiniGolf. Is that really a good idea? I dunno. It would help if I knew her a bit better, I know. I guess that kind of makes it fun though. I do know that I want to figure it out.

I guess at this point all I can do is wait for her to finish up her finals this week then we can hash it all out together. I just really don't want to screw this up. YAY for my worrying brain. Any suggestions are welcome though. And now, time to sleep and turn the worry off.

1 comment:

Wings said...

Go to a park or garden. Gives you a chance to either play and/or walk around and enjoy the area. If she's a good girl, she'll like it. Any girl who doesn't enjoy a park is not one ya want ;)