Saturday, June 9, 2007

I'm Done

So, the drama in my life is done for now. I know that something new will crop up eventually, but for now, it's over. This has made me a happy guy.

I haven't had many thoughts lately on much of anything. This kind of bums me out. I like having deep thoughts on things. Perhaps it was all the drama. Perhaps it's the fact that I started a new job. Maybe it's my ever deepening longing for someone to share my life with. I don't know. It's probably a mix of all those and then some other things that I'm not even aware of.

I'll be missing the wedding of a family friend tomorrow. I have to learn about my truck engine and fix it. I'm kind of bummed that I'm not going because I haven't seen them in a few years, but at the same time, I'm glad because I don't have to watch them get married while I sit there wishing it was me. Or something like that. I dunno.

I feel like writing a poem or something. But at the same time, I'll feel a bit like a dork if I do. I dunno. I keep trping random thoughts that pop into my head until I make up my mind. Randon thought posts can be fun. Especially if you've got a lot of time to kill. Which I do, sort of. I should sleep, but I slept in kind of late so I'm not really tired enough to sleep. I have laundry to do. So I'm slowly working on that right now. I was gonna watch some anime while I did it, but then I got online and started checking the Space and all that, and I got inspired to blog. So now I'm randomly typing and I think it's time to go switch loads.......YEAH! only two more loads now. I was just aboutto start writing about some of the happenings at my job, but then I remembered the thing I signed that told me that everything that happened while I was on the job was the property of Disney. So no stories from my job. And that's too bad too, because I've got some REALLY good ones. Oh well.

I have a glass of water here, and it's very delicious to me. I am thoroughly enjoying each sip I take. The cool, wetness washing over my toungue, cascading down my esophagus and then finally settling in my belly. It's quite an experience. I highly encourage everyone to try it out. Just sit and live in these moments every now and then. Focus on these momentary pleasures. It'll only take a few seconds and you'll feel quite refreshed when it's over. A few places to do this: going to the bathroom, having a drink of water, aclimating to extreme temperature changes(i.e. going from hot outside to air-conditioned inside or other such happenings). So try it out. I think you'll be glad you did. I know I'm glad whenever I do it.

I'm not gonna write a poem anymore. I have nothing to write a poem about anyway. So, i'm off. I'll talk at all of you later.

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