Monday, May 2, 2011


Is it weird that it's only been three days and I already feel a bit burnt out with posting here? I dunno. Probably not, since I'm not really used to it. But I figure this is really good practice. If I can get used to just making myself write SOMETHING every day, then getting the comic pumped out should be easier in the long run, right? Right?

I dunno.

I feel like I'm just avoiding drawing right now. That's a bad thing. Drawing is just as important, if not MORE SO, than writing right now. So I'm gonna go draw something. Probably not as intense as I did last night, but it'll still be something. So I'm off.

I should be getting something set up soon so that I can start posting my drawings again. I'll keep you updated. :D

1 comment:

KrisZ said...

It is about quality, not quantity. My blog seems to be very popular because each new article I write is thoughtful on some level. Too bad it gets read a lot, but not responded to a lot.
