Monday, March 9, 2009


So we finished insulating the attic today. It was a much bigger project than we anticipated. So, when we were done, we took the rest of the day off and went to the Loggers Memorial. It was a pretty sweet park complete with: a huge statue, a log jam, and a food raft. Pretty awesome.

And now I'm back at my dad's friend's dial-up computer to give you all this brief little update. There's a meeting that my dad has to go to on wednesday, so we'll either be leaving late wednesday or early thursday. He wants to be in tennessee by thursday night. I'm thinking we can do it if we get up early enough on thursday.

We should be able to use the laptop in the hotel with WiFi then. I'll be more glad with my homework time then.

So yeah, I better go eat before they give it to the dog. I'll be back tomorrow. :D

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