Saturday, March 14, 2009


We pulled into Flagstaff, AZ about an hour ago. We have a pretty nice room with internet so I can do my homework. The bed looks soooo comfortable right now.

We left Murfreesboro about 35 hours ago. We were able to make pretty good time because we decided to drive through the night so we took turns napping and driving. We're both really tired now, but it was worth it to make it this far this fast.

We went through Arkansas, Oklahoma,Texas (where we stopped and saw the Cadillac Ranch), and New Mexico. Good times. Such a drastic change of scenery as we moved from state to state. So many beautiful things out in nature. Proof positive of God's ultimate artistry. Little purple flowers, big red flowers, gorgeous forest, snow covered hills, rainbows, vivid green clovers, The list can go on and on. Get out into nature and SEE it. Experience it. It's worth the gas. Trust me.

This trip has been good. We've had some really good bonding time together and I'm learning quite a bit about my dad. Sometimes it seems like a bit too much information, but it's good I think.

I've been lacking a bit in the prayer and reading department on the trip and I think that's part of the reason for my tiredness. I'm jumping back on that tonight though. I've got my bible out and my other book out and I'll be starting in on those as soon as I'm done here.

So I'll get back to y'all later. buh bye.

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