Sunday, May 6, 2007

The big W-H-Y?

I had a plan to write about all these questions that I have about life.  But as I started writing, only one remained in my head.  Why did I hurt me knee?  I mean, when I hurt it, I didn't do anything different from what I usually did in those situations.  All I did was squat down for a couple minutes and then stand back up.  So why did the cartilage rip?  I've entertained the idea that this is my thorn to keep me reliant on God.  I don't know if this is the case or if it's just an instance of "shit happens".  I'm really tired for some reason.  So I'm gonna go to bed.  I'm sure I'll rant about my knee in the future.  Laters.
Some amusement for you.

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