Tuesday, May 8, 2007

How much should I care?

I realize that I should care more about some things than others.  But right now, I'm on a dangerous slope.  If I'm not careful with my decisions here, I'll slip into not caring mode and be there for a while.  I don't want that to happen.  If  don't care, then things can turn ugly really fast.  I don't want things to turn ugly.

And I've upset a friend of mine, yet AGAIN.  I just thought I'd offer some advice that's given to us in the Bible, but perhaps I still have that dang plank stuck in my eye.  Most people would think you'd notice a plank coming out of your face, but I can be a rather dense person at times and it's possible that I'm completely oblivious to it.  and with that, I go to bed.  sleep is what Samuel needs most right now.

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