Saturday, May 19, 2007


So, I started looking at places to move to that are closer to work for me. Within ten minutes, I found three places that are ridiculously close to where I need to go for work. And they're pretty cheap, relatively speaking. So I'm gonna try and check those places out tomorrow after orientation. Let's hope they let me. And that I can find them. So we'll see how it goes tomorrow.

I said a few days ago that I needed to make a big move in my life. Then I got hired at Disneyland. And now I'm looking into moving out to Anaheim. It's all falling into place. Just like with culinary school. If the pattern continues, I'll be moving within the next couple weeks. Of course, if the pattern doesn't continue, I won't really be suprised either. We'll see.

Lord, grant me wisdom for my choices, strength against my struggles, faith against my doubts, and endurance in my trials. These are my requests that I lay before you boldly with a heart that's trying to be in the right place.

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